Sep 27Liked by Just plain Rivka

Rivka, I feel your pain. Losing a child is tough, but losing a little one is worse We lost a baby boy, Aaron, at 13 months (due to injuries from medical malpractice). He is now at the head of the grave, waiting for us to join him. It's hard to go from 24 hour care, conferences at the dining room table, deliveries of supplies, visits from nurses and therapists. All of a sudden life becomes very empty. We established an endowment fund in his name at the school that provided therapists which pays for incidentals (special chairs, adapted toys, etc.) not covered by insurances for the little ones. The school named a classroom after him. Many years later, we still miss Aaron very much, and the pain never goes away, just gets a little more dull. We never tried to "replace" him, couldn't. He was our gift from G-d. I mourn for the little innocent children who lost their lives on October 7 to subhuman haters. Life is overwhelmed by fear, grief and hate, leaving little room for joy.

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I don’t know what to say. I am so sorry for your loss. Aaron obviously was and is very loved.

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Sep 26Liked by Just plain Rivka

Such is a deeply heartfelt story. Blessings to you.

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Thank you.

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Oh Rivka, this is beautiful. And I understand the seemingly casual triggers of life. Bless you. Bless the crossing guard who dances with joy in her heart, bless the girls, the boys, your family. I take comfort in knowing Mimi has met many girls up in heaven and they are all their perfect selves, more than likely giggling 🙏🏻🩷✨ ox

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I feel the hug.

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Sep 26Liked by Just plain Rivka

Poignant with a healing mentoring for any life crisis. This should be the first chapter in your new book.

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You are too kind. Thank you.

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No real words to tell you how I admire your journey. It took a lot for you to pull yourself up, and to keep on pulling, but you have figured it out. Very good that you are teaching others through your writing.

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Thank you so much. Especially today. I feel like I am on the same hamster wheel, trying to figure out the same things and have made no progress.

I was just telling someone last night that our greatest progress is often made while we don’t notice. I hope that that’s true for me.

Today it doesn’t feel like it.

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Beautifully written 💐

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Thank you

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That was straight from your heart. I understand. I lost one of my boys (well, not really mine, he was G-d’s) to a handgun accident in 2003. He died instantly. Does change everything.

"... our physical world where the spiritual is hidden and everything so stupid seems so important", is a great insight. Thanks for sharing your story. Psalm 126 for sure.

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Sep 26Liked by Just plain Rivka

I hear you. My daughter passed away a year ago at age 55. I think the grief is the same. We never forget, always want to say I love you and give another hug. Hashem should give you koach and lots of nachas for the boys!

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Yes. i think the grief is the same.

Even when the circumstances are different.

So many things in life seem all encompassing but aren’t, but losing a child really does change everything, forever.

I think there is good to be squeezed out of the pain. But it is definitely impactful. Cannot be denied.

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