Good parenting is the hardest job of all. As a parent of adults, I can say the results come later. As I watch them navigate the world, stay Jews, and raise children I can see the product of my work. I thank Ha Shem for his guidance and protection because I couldn't do it alone.

Am Israel Chai

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I am very impressed. I pray every day, some days more than others, that all of our kids go on the right path- not ours exactly- theirs-but a wholesome productive path based on truth, not a destructive path based on falsehood. I always feel that kids know when they are loved. But some days I am not sure. I know I love them. But I don’t know that they know. G-d runs the world but I worry so much that I haven’t done my part. And I’m not a worrier. I’m truly scared.

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Sep 18Liked by Just plain Rivka

I am going to have to disagree with the fruit fly metaphor a little bit. Yes eventually the children leave, in a metaphorical sense, because they become adults, in a realistic sense. Their choices are now theirs and their mistakes are now theirs, their goals, aspirations and accomplishments are theirs as well. But unlike the fruit fly you have imparted your wisdom and effort into them. You have given them your heart and soul. And then, if you are truly lucky, one day you will play with your grandchildren.

The fruit fly on the other hand, just dies out because it has reached the end of its life. it is gone, until next year when its larvae comes back to annoy. Not the same as grandchildren (hopefully)

The truly intelligent among us never stop learning. The older I get I realize just how much I really don't know and the list keeps getting longer and longer. Enjoy your time for yourself :)

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This is beautiful. Thank you.

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Sep 18Liked by Just plain Rivka

Blessed are those that learn. Through learning comes wisdom.

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I’m trying. If making a lot of mistakes helps, I’ve got that covered.

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